Recordings from past services 
To download, right click (or control-click on a Macintosh) and choose "download" or "save" from the menu that pops up.
- 798M (all files from 2019)
- 1.2G (all files from 2018)
- 1.6G (all files from 2017)
- 1.5G (all files from 2016)
- 1.7G (all files from 2015)
- 1.7G (all files from 2014)
- 1.6G (all files from 2013)
- 1.7G (all files from 2012)
- 1.7G (all files from 2011)
- 796M (all files from 2010)
- 329M (all files from 2009)
- 497M (all files from 2008)
- 613M (all files from 2007)
- 226M (all files from 2006)
- 96K (all files from 2005)
Individual Files:
- 2019-07-14.bulletin.docx
- 2019-07-14.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 5th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 10:25-37)
- 2019-07-14.confession.mp3
- 2019-07-14.prompting.mp3
- 2019-07-07.bulletin.docx
- 2019-07-07.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 4th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 10:1-11, 16-20)
- 2019-07-07.confession.mp3
- 2019-07-07.prompting.mp3
- 2019-06-30.bulletin.docx
- 2019-06-30.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 3rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 9:51-62)
- 2019-06-30.confession.mp3
- 2019-06-30.prompting.mp3
- 2019-06-23.bulletin.docx
- 2019-06-23.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 2nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 8:26-39)
- 2019-06-23.confession.mp3
- 2019-06-23.prompting.mp3
- 2019-06-16.bulletin.docx
- 2019-06-16.bulletin.pdf (TRINITY SUNDAY) (John 16:12-15)
- 2019-06-16.confession.mp3
- 2019-06-16.prompting.mp3
- 2019-06-09.bulletin.docx
- 2019-06-09.bulletin.pdf (DAY OF PENTECOST) (John 14:8-17, 25-27)
- 2019-06-09.confession.mp3
- 2019-06-09.prompting.mp3
- 2019-06-02.bulletin.docx
- 2019-06-02.bulletin.pdf (SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 17:20-26)
- 2019-06-02.confession.mp3
- 2019-06-02.prompting.mp3
- 2019-05-26.bulletin.docx
- 2019-05-26.bulletin.pdf (SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 5:1-9)
- 2019-05-26.communion.mp3
- 2019-05-26.confession.mp3
- 2019-05-26.prompting.mp3
- 2019-05-19.bulletin.docx
- 2019-05-19.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 13:31-35)
- 2019-05-19.confession.mp3
- 2019-05-19.prompting.mp3
- 2019-05-12.bulletin.docx
- 2019-05-12.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 10:22-30)
- 2019-05-12.confession.mp3
- 2019-05-12.prompting.mp3
- 2019-05-05.bulletin.docx
- 2019-05-05.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 21:1-19)
- 2019-05-05.confession.mp3
- 2019-05-05.prompting.mp3
- 2019-04-28.bulletin.docx
- 2019-04-28.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 20:19-31)
- 2019-04-21.bulletin.docx
- 2019-04-21.bulletin.pdf (RESURRECTION OF THE LORD/EASTER) (Luke 24:13-49)
- 2019-04-21.confession.mp3
- 2019-04-21.prompting.mp3
- 2019-04-14.bulletin.docx
- 2019-04-14.bulletin.pdf (PALM/PASSION SUNDAY) (Luke 22:14—23:56)
- 2019-04-14.confession.mp3
- 2019-04-14.prompting.mp3
- 2019-04-07.bulletin.docx
- 2019-04-07.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 12:1-8)
- 2019-04-07.confession.mp3
- 2019-04-07.prompting.mp3
- 2019-03-31.bulletin.docx
- 2019-03-31.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32)
- 2019-03-31.communion.mp3
- 2019-03-31.confession.mp3
- 2019-03-31.prompting.mp3
- 2019-03-24.bulletin.docx
- 2019-03-24.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 13:1-9)
- 2019-03-24.confession.mp3
- 2019-03-24.prompting.mp3
- 2019-03-17.bulletin.docx
- 2019-03-17.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 13:31-35)
- 2019-03-17.confession.mp3
- 2019-03-17.prompting.mp3
- 2019-03-10.bulletin.docx
- 2019-03-10.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 4:1-13)
- 2019-03-10.confession.mp3
- 2019-03-10.prompting.mp3
- 2019-03-03.bulletin.docx
- 2019-03-03.bulletin.pdf (TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD) (Luke 9:28-36 (37-43))
- 2019-03-03.confession.mp3
- 2019-03-03.prompting.mp3
- 2019-02-24.bulletin.docx
- 2019-02-24.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 6:27-38)
- 2019-02-24.confession.mp3
- 2019-02-24.prompting.mp3
- 2019-02-17.bulletin.docx
- 2019-02-17.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 6:17-26)
- 2019-02-17.confession.mp3
- 2019-02-17.prompting.mp3
- 2019-02-10.bulletin.docx
- 2019-02-10.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 5:1-11)
- 2019-02-10.confession.mp3
- 2019-02-10.prompting.mp3
- 2019-02-03.bulletin.docx
- 2019-02-03.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 4:21-30)
- 2019-02-03.confession.mp3
- 2019-02-03.prompting.mp3
- 2019-01-27.bulletin.docx
- 2019-01-27.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 4:14-21)
- 2019-01-27.communion.mp3
- 2019-01-27.confession.mp3
- 2019-01-27.prompting.mp3
- 2019-01-20.bulletin.docx
- 2019-01-20.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (John 2:1-11)
- 2019-01-20.confession.mp3
- 2019-01-20.prompting.mp3
- 2019-01-13.bulletin.docx
- 2019-01-13.bulletin.pdf (BAPTISM OF THE LORD) (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
- 2019-01-13.confession.mp3
- 2019-01-13.prompting.mp3
- 2019-01-06.bulletin.docx
- 2019-01-06.bulletin.pdf (EPIPHANY OF THE LORD) (Matthew 2:1-12)
- 2019-01-06.confession.mp3
- 2019-01-06.prompting.mp3
- 2018-12-30.bulletin.docx
- 2018-12-30.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (Luke 2:(22-40) 41-52)
- 2018-12-30.communion.mp3
- 2018-12-30.confession.mp3
- 2018-12-30.prompting.mp3
- 2018-12-23.bulletin.docx
- 2018-12-23.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 1:26-45 (46-55))
- 2018-12-23.confession.mp3
- 2018-12-23.prompting.mp3
- 2018-12-16.bulletin.docx
- 2018-12-16.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 3:7-18)
- 2018-12-16.confession.mp3
- 2018-12-16.prompting.mp3
- 2018-12-09.bulletin.docx
- 2018-12-09.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 3:1-6)
- 2018-12-09.confession.mp3
- 2018-12-09.prompting.mp3
- 2018-12-02.bulletin.docx
- 2018-12-02.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 21:25-36)
- 2018-12-02.confession.mp3
- 2018-12-02.prompting.mp3
- 2018-11-25.bulletin.docx
- 2018-11-25.bulletin.pdf (CHRIST THE KING <> REIGN OF CHRIST) (John 18:33-37)
- 2018-11-25.communion.mp3
- 2018-11-25.confession.mp3
- 2018-11-25.prompting.mp3
- 2018-11-18.bulletin.docx
- 2018-11-18.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 13:1-8)
- 2018-11-18.confession.mp3
- 2018-11-18.prompting.mp3
- 2018-11-11.bulletin.docx
- 2018-11-11.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 12:38-44)
- 2018-11-04.bulletin.docx
- 2018-11-04.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 12:28-34)
- 2018-11-04.confession.mp3
- 2018-11-04.prompting.mp3
- 2018-10-28.bulletin.docx
- 2018-10-28.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 10:46-52)
- 2018-10-28.communion.mp3
- 2018-10-28.confession.mp3
- 2018-10-28.prompting.mp3
- 2018-10-21.bulletin.docx
- 2018-10-21.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 10:35-45)
- 2018-10-21.confession.mp3
- 2018-10-21.prompting.mp3
- 2018-10-14.bulletin.docx
- 2018-10-14.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 10:17-31)
- 2018-10-14.confession.mp3
- 2018-10-14.prompting.mp3
- 2018-10-07.bulletin.docx
- 2018-10-07.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 10:2-16)
- 2018-10-07.communion.mp3
- 2018-10-07.confession.mp3
- 2018-10-07.prompting.mp3
- 2018-09-30.bulletin.docx
- 2018-09-30.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 9:38-50)
- 2018-09-23.bulletin.docx
- 2018-09-23.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 9:30-37)
- 2018-09-23.confession.mp3
- 2018-09-23.prompting.mp3
- 2018-09-16.bulletin.docx
- 2018-09-16.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 8:27-38)
- 2018-09-16.confession.mp3
- 2018-09-16.prompting.mp3
- 2018-09-09.bulletin.docx
- 2018-09-09.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 7:24-37)
- 2018-09-09.confession.mp3
- 2018-09-09.prompting.mp3
- 2018-09-02.bulletin.docx
- 2018-09-02.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 7:1-8, 14-25, 21-23)
- 2018-09-02.confession.mp3
- 2018-09-02.prompting.mp3
- 2018-07-15.bulletin.docx
- 2018-07-15.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Eighth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 6:14-29)
- 2018-07-15.confession.mp3
- 2018-07-15.prompting.mp3
- 2018-07-08.bulletin.docx
- 2018-07-08.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 6:1-13)
- 2018-07-08.confession.mp3
- 2018-07-08.prompting.mp3
- 2018-07-01.bulletin.docx
- 2018-07-01.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 5:21-43)
- 2018-07-01.confession.mp3
- 2018-07-01.prompting.mp3
- 2018-06-24.bulletin.docx
- 2018-06-24.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 4:35-41)
- 2018-06-24.communion.mp3
- 2018-06-24.confession.mp3
- 2018-06-24.prompting.mp3
- 2018-06-17.bulletin.docx
- 2018-06-17.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 4:26-34)
- 2018-06-17.confession.mp3
- 2018-06-17.prompting.mp3
- 2018-06-10.bulletin.docx
- 2018-06-10.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Third Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 3:20-35)
- 2018-06-10.confession.mp3
- 2018-06-10.prompting.mp3
- 2018-06-03.bulletin.docx
- 2018-06-03.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Second Sunday after Pentecost) (Mark 2:23—3:6)
- 2018-06-03.confession.mp3
- 2018-06-03.prompting.mp3
- 2018-05-27.bulletin.docx
- 2018-05-27.bulletin.pdf (TRINITY SUNDAY) (John 3:1-17)
- 2018-05-27.communion.mp3
- 2018-05-27.confession.mp3
- 2018-05-27.prompting.mp3
- 2018-05-20.bulletin.docx
- 2018-05-20.bulletin.pdf (DAY OF PENTECOST) (John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15)
- 2018-05-20.confession.mp3
- 2018-05-20.prompting.mp3
- 2018-05-13.bulletin.docx
- 2018-05-13.bulletin.pdf (SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 17:6-19)
- 2018-05-13.confession.mp3
- 2018-05-13.prompting.mp3
- 2018-05-06.bulletin.docx
- 2018-05-06.bulletin.pdf (SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 15:9-17)
- 2018-05-06.confession.mp3
- 2018-05-06.prompting.mp3
- 2018-04-29.bulletin.docx
- 2018-04-29.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 15:1-8)
- 2018-04-29.communion.mp3
- 2018-04-29.confession.mp3
- 2018-04-29.prompting.mp3
- 2018-04-22.bulletin.docx
- 2018-04-22.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 10:11-18)
- 2018-04-22.confession.mp3
- 2018-04-22.prompting.mp3
- 2018-04-15.bulletin.docx
- 2018-04-15.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER) (Luke 24:36b-48)
- 2018-04-15.confession.mp3
- 2018-04-15.prompting.mp3
- 2018-04-08.bulletin.docx
- 2018-04-08.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER) (John 20:19-31)
- 2018-04-08.confession.mp3
- 2018-04-08.prompting.mp3
- 2018-04-01.bulletin.docx
- 2018-04-01.bulletin.pdf (RESURRECTION OF THE LORD / EASTER) (Mark 16:1-8)
- 2018-04-01.confession.mp3
- 2018-04-01.prompting.mp3
- 2018-01-28.bulletin.docx
- 2018-01-28.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Mark 1:21-28)
- 2018-01-28.communion.mp3
- 2018-01-28.confession.mp3
- 2018-01-28.prompting.mp3
- 2018-01-21.bulletin.docx
- 2018-01-21.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Mark 1:14-20)
- 2018-01-21.confession.mp3
- 2018-01-21.prompting.mp3
- 2018-01-14.bulletin.docx
- 2018-01-14.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (John 1:43-51)
- 2018-01-14.confession.mp3
- 2018-01-14.prompting.mp3
- 2018-01-07.bulletin.docx
- 2018-01-07.bulletin.pdf (BAPTISM OF THE LORD) (Mark 1:4-11)
- 2018-01-07.confession.mp3
- 2018-01-07.prompting.mp3
- 2017-12-31.bulletin.docx
- 2017-12-31.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (Luke 2:22-40)
- 2017-12-31.communion.mp3
- 2017-12-31.confession.mp3
- 2017-12-31.prompting.mp3
- 2017-12-24.bulletin.docx
- 2017-12-24.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT and CHRISTMAS EVE) (Luke 2:1-14)
- 2017-12-24.confession.mp3
- 2017-12-24.prompting.mp3
- 2017-12-17.bulletin.docx
- 2017-12-17.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT) (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
- 2017-12-17.confession.mp3
- 2017-12-17.prompting.mp3
- 2017-12-10.bulletin.docx
- 2017-12-10.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT) (Mark 1:1-8)
- 2017-12-10.confession.mp3
- 2017-12-10.prompting.mp3
- 2017-12-03.bulletin.docx
- 2017-12-03.bulletin.pdf (First Sunday of Advent) (Mark 13:24-37)
- 2017-12-03.confession.mp3
- 2017-12-03.prompting.mp3
- 2017-11-26.bulletin.docx
- 2017-11-26.bulletin.pdf (CHRIST THE KING - REIGN OF CHRIST) (Matthew 25:31-46)
- 2017-11-26.communion.mp3
- 2017-11-26.confession.mp3
- 2017-11-26.prompting.mp3
- 2017-11-19.bulletin.docx
- 2017-11-19.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 25:14-30)
- 2017-11-19.confession.mp3
- 2017-11-19.prompting.mp3
- 2017-11-12.bulletin.docx
- 2017-11-12.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 25:1-13)
- 2017-11-12.confession.mp3
- 2017-11-12.prompting.mp3
- 2017-11-05.bulletin.docx
- 2017-11-05.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 23:1-12)
- 2017-11-05.confession.mp3
- 2017-11-05.prompting.mp3
- 2017-10-29.bulletin.docx
- 2017-10-29.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 22:34-46)
- 2017-10-29.communion.mp3
- 2017-10-29.confession.mp3
- 2017-10-29.prompting.mp3
- 2017-10-22.bulletin.docx
- 2017-10-22.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 22:15-21)
- 2017-10-22.confession.mp3
- 2017-10-22.prompting.mp3
- 2017-10-15.bulletin.docx
- 2017-10-15.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 22:1-14)
- 2017-10-15.confession.mp3
- 2017-10-15.prompting.mp3
- 2017-10-08.bulletin.docx
- 2017-10-08.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 21:33-46)
- 2017-10-08.confession.mp3
- 2017-10-08.prompting.mp3
- 2017-10-01.bulletin.docx
- 2017-10-01.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 21:23-32)
- 2017-10-01.communion.mp3
- 2017-10-01.confession.mp3
- 2017-10-01.prompting.mp3
- 2017-09-24.bulletin.docx
- 2017-09-24.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 20:1-16)
- 2017-09-24.confession.mp3
- 2017-09-24.prompting.mp3
- 2017-09-17.bulletin.docx
- 2017-09-17.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 18:15-20)
- 2017-09-17.confession.mp3
- 2017-09-17.prompting.mp3
- 2017-09-10.bulletin.docx
- 2017-09-10.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 18:15-20)
- 2017-09-10.confession.mp3
- 2017-09-10.prompting.mp3
- 2017-09-03.bulletin.docx
- 2017-09-03.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 16:21-28)
- 2017-09-03.confession.mp3
- 2017-09-03.prompting.mp3
- 2017-07-16.bulletin.docx
- 2017-07-16.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 13:1-9, (10-17), 18-23)
- 2017-07-16.confession.mp3
- 2017-07-16.prompting.mp3
- 2017-07-09.bulletin.docx
- 2017-07-09.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 5th Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 11:16-19, (20-24), 25-30)
- 2017-07-09.confession.mp3
- 2017-07-09.prompting.mp3
- 2017-07-02.bulletin.docx
- 2017-07-02.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 4th Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 10:40-42)
- 2017-07-02.confession.mp3
- 2017-07-02.prompting.mp3
- 2017-06-25.bulletin.docx
- 2017-06-25.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 10:24-39)
- 2017-06-25.communion.mp3
- 2017-06-25.confession.mp3
- 2017-06-25.prompting.mp3
- 2017-06-18.bulletin.docx
- 2017-06-18.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost) (Matthew 9:35—10:8)
- 2017-06-18.confession.mp3
- 2017-06-18.prompting.mp3
- 2017-06-11.bulletin.docx
- 2017-06-11.bulletin.pdf (TRINITY SUNDAY) (Matthew 28:16-20)
- 2017-06-11.confession.mp3
- 2017-06-11.prompting.mp3
- 2017-06-04.bulletin.docx
- 2017-06-04.bulletin.pdf (PENTECOST) (John 20:19-23)
- 2017-06-04.confession.mp3
- 2017-06-04.prompting.mp3
- 2017-05-28.bulletin.docx
- 2017-05-28.bulletin.pdf (SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 17:1-11)
- 2017-05-28.communion.mp3
- 2017-05-28.confession.mp3
- 2017-05-28.prompting.mp3
- 2017-05-21.bulletin.docx
- 2017-05-21.bulletin.pdf (SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 14:15-21)
- 2017-05-21.confession.mp3
- 2017-05-21.prompting.mp3
- 2017-05-14.bulletin.docx
- 2017-05-14.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 14:1-14)
- 2017-05-14.confession.mp3
- 2017-05-14.prompting.mp3
- 2017-05-07.bulletin.docx
- 2017-05-07.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 10:1-10)
- 2017-05-07.confession.mp3
- 2017-05-07.prompting.mp3
- 2017-04-30.bulletin.docx
- 2017-04-30.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER) (Luke 24:13-35)
- 2017-04-30.communion.mp3
- 2017-04-30.confession.mp3
- 2017-04-30.prompting.mp3
- 2017-04-23.bulletin.docx
- 2017-04-23.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 20:19-31)
- 2017-04-23.confession.mp3
- 2017-04-23.prompting.mp3
- 2017-04-16.bulletin.docx
- 2017-04-16.bulletin.pdf (RESURRECTION OF THE LORD / EASTER) (Matthew 28:1-10)
- 2017-04-16.confession.mp3
- 2017-04-16.prompting.mp3
- 2017-04-09.bulletin.docx
- 2017-04-09.bulletin.pdf (PALM / PASSION SUNDAY) (Matthew 26 and 27)
- 2017-04-09.confession.mp3
- 2017-04-09.prompting.mp3
- 2017-04-02.bulletin.docx
- 2017-04-02.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 11:1-45)
- 2017-04-02.confession.mp3
- 2017-04-02.prompting.mp3
- 2017-03-26.bulletin.docx
- 2017-03-26.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 9:1-41)
- 2017-03-26.communion.mp3
- 2017-03-26.confession.mp3
- 2017-03-26.prompting.mp3
- 2017-03-19.bulletin.docx
- 2017-03-19.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 4:5-42)
- 2017-03-19.confession.mp3
- 2017-03-19.prompting.mp3
- 2017-03-12.bulletin.docx
- 2017-03-12.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 3:1-17)
- 2017-03-12.confession.mp3
- 2017-03-12.prompting.mp3
- 2017-03-05.bulletin.docx
- 2017-03-05.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT) (Matthew 4:1-11)
- 2017-03-05.confession.mp3
- 2017-03-05.prompting.mp3
- 2017-02-26.bulletin.docx
- 2017-02-26.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - TRANSFIGURATION) (Matthew 17:1-9)
- 2017-02-26.communion.mp3
- 2017-02-26.confession.mp3
- 2017-02-26.prompting.mp3
- 2017-02-19.bulletin.docx
- 2017-02-19.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Matthew 5:38-48)
- 2017-02-19.confession.mp3
- 2017-02-19.prompting.mp3
- 2017-02-12.bulletin.docx
- 2017-02-12.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Matthew 5:21-37)
- 2017-02-12.confession.mp3
- 2017-02-12.prompting.mp3
- 2017-02-05.bulletin.docx
- 2017-02-05.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Matthew 5:13-20)
- 2017-02-05.confession.mp3
- 2017-02-05.prompting.mp3
- 2017-01-29.bulletin.docx
- 2017-01-29.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Matthew 5:1-12)
- 2017-01-29.communion.mp3
- 2017-01-29.confession.mp3
- 2017-01-29.prompting.mp3
- 2017-01-15.bulletin.docx
- 2017-01-15.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (John 1:29-42)
- 2017-01-15.confession.mp3
- 2017-01-15.prompting.mp3
- 2017-01-08.bulletin.docx
- 2017-01-08.bulletin.pdf (BAPTISM OF THE LORD) (Matthew 3:13-17)
- 2017-01-01.bulletin.docx
- 2017-01-01.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (Matthew 2:13-23)
- 2017-01-01.confession.mp3
- 2017-01-01.prompting.mp3
- 2016-12-25.bulletin.docx
- 2016-12-25.bulletin.pdf (NATIVITY OF THE LORD - CHRISTMAS DAY) (Luke 2:1-20)
- 2016-12-25.communion.mp3
- 2016-12-25.confession.mp3
- 2016-12-25.prompting.mp3
- 2016-12-18.bulletin.docx
- 2016-12-18.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Matthew 1:18-25)
- 2016-12-18.confession.mp3
- 2016-12-18.prompting.mp3
- 2016-12-11.bulletin.docx
- 2016-12-11.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Matthew 11:2-11)
- 2016-12-11.confession.mp3
- 2016-12-11.prompting.mp3
- 2016-12-04.bulletin.docx
- 2016-12-04.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Matthew 3:1-12)
- 2016-12-04.confession.mp3
- 2016-12-04.prompting.mp3
- 2016-11-27.bulletin.docx
- 2016-11-27.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Matthew 24:36-44)
- 2016-11-27.confession.mp3
- 2016-11-20.bulletin.docx
- 2016-11-20.bulletin.pdf (CHRIST THE KING / REIGN OF CHRIST) (Luke 23:33-43)
- 2016-11-20.communion.mp3
- 2016-11-20.confession.mp3
- 2016-11-20.prompting.mp3
- 2016-11-13.bulletin.docx
- 2016-11-13.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 26th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 21:5-19)
- 2016-11-13.confession.mp3
- 2016-11-13.prompting.mp3
- 2016-11-06.bulletin.docx
- 2016-11-06.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 25th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 20:27-38)
- 2016-11-06.prompting.mp3
- 2016-10-30.bulletin.docx
- 2016-10-30.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 24th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 19:1-10)
- 2016-10-30.communion.mp3
- 2016-10-30.confession.mp3
- 2016-10-30.prompting.mp3
- 2016-10-23.bulletin.docx
- 2016-10-23.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 23rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 18:9-13)
- 2016-10-23.confession.mp3
- 2016-10-23.prompting.mp3
- 2016-10-16.bulletin.docx
- 2016-10-16.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 22nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 18:1-8)
- 2016-10-16.confession.mp3
- 2016-10-16.prompting.mp3
- 2016-10-09.bulletin.docx
- 2016-10-09.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 21st SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 17:11-19)
- 2016-10-09.confession.mp3
- 2016-10-09.prompting.mp3
- 2016-10-02.bulletin.docx
- 2016-10-02.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 20th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 17:5-10)
- 2016-10-02.communion.mp3
- 2016-10-02.confession.mp3
- 2016-10-02.prompting.mp3
- 2016-09-25.bulletin.docx
- 2016-09-25.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 19th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 16:19-31)
- 2016-09-25.confession.mp3
- 2016-09-25.prompting.mp3
- 2016-09-18.bulletin.docx
- 2016-09-18.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 18th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 16:1-13)
- 2016-09-18.confession.mp3
- 2016-09-18.prompting.mp3
- 2016-09-11.bulletin.docx
- 2016-09-11.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 17th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 15:1-10)
- 2016-09-11.confession.mp3
- 2016-09-11.prompting.mp3
- 2016-09-04.bulletin.docx
- 2016-09-04.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 14:25-33)
- 2016-09-04.confession.mp3
- 2016-09-04.prompting.mp3
- 2016-07-17.bulletin.docx
- 2016-07-17.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 10:38-42)
- 2016-07-17.confession.mp3
- 2016-07-17.prompting.mp3
- 2016-07-10.bulletin.docx
- 2016-07-10.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 10:25-37)
- 2016-07-10.confession.mp3
- 2016-07-10.prompting.mp3
- 2016-07-03.bulletin.docx
- 2016-07-03.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 10:1-11, 16-20)
- 2016-07-03.confession.mp3
- 2016-07-03.prompting.mp3
- 2016-06-26.bulletin.docx
- 2016-06-26.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 9:51-62)
- 2016-06-26.communion.mp3
- 2016-06-26.confession.mp3
- 2016-06-26.prompting.mp3
- 2016-06-19.bulletin.docx
- 2016-06-19.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 8:26-39)
- 2016-06-19.confession.mp3
- 2016-06-19.prompting.mp3
- 2016-06-12.bulletin.docx
- 2016-06-12.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 7:36—8:3)
- 2016-06-12.confession.mp3
- 2016-06-12.prompting.mp3
- 2016-06-05.bulletin.docx
- 2016-06-05.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 7:11-17)
- 2016-06-05.confession.mp3
- 2016-06-05.prompting.mp3
- 2016-05-29.bulletin.docx
- 2016-05-29.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 2ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Luke 7:1-10)
- 2016-05-29.communion.mp3
- 2016-05-29.confession.mp3
- 2016-05-29.prompting.mp3
- 2016-05-22.bulletin.docx
- 2016-05-22.bulletin.pdf (TRINITY SUNDAY) (John 16:12-15)
- 2016-05-22.confession.mp3
- 2016-05-22.prompting.mp3
- 2016-05-15.bulletin.docx
- 2016-05-15.bulletin.pdf (DAY OF PENTECOST) (John 14:8-17, 25-27)
- 2016-05-15.confession.mp3
- 2016-05-15.prompting.mp3
- 2016-05-08.bulletin.docx
- 2016-05-08.bulletin.pdf (SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 17:20-27)
- 2016-05-08.confession.mp3
- 2016-05-08.prompting.mp3
- 2016-05-01.bulletin.docx
- 2016-05-01.bulletin.pdf (SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 5:1-9)
- 2016-05-01.confession.mp3
- 2016-05-01.prompting.mp3
- 2016-04-24.bulletin.docx
- 2016-04-24.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 13:31-35)
- 2016-04-24.communion.mp3
- 2016-04-24.confession.mp3
- 2016-04-24.prompting.mp3
- 2016-04-17.bulletin.docx
- 2016-04-17.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 10:22-30)
- 2016-04-17.confession.mp3
- 2016-04-17.prompting.mp3
- 2016-04-10.bulletin.docx
- 2016-04-10.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 21:1-19)
- 2016-04-10.confession.mp3
- 2016-04-10.prompting.mp3
- 2016-04-03.bulletin.docx
- 2016-04-03.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 20:19-31)
- 2016-04-03.confession.mp3
- 2016-04-03.prompting.mp3
- 2016-03-27.bulletin.docx
- 2016-03-27.bulletin.pdf (RESURRECTION OF THE LORD / EASTER) (Luke 24:1-12)
- 2016-03-27.communion.mp3
- 2016-03-27.confession.mp3
- 2016-03-27.prompting.mp3
- 2016-03-20.bulletin.docx
- 2016-03-20.bulletin.pdf (PALM/PASSION SUNDAY) (Luke 22:14—23:56)
- 2016-03-20.confession.mp3
- 2016-03-20.prompting.mp3
- 2016-03-13.bulletin.docx
- 2016-03-13.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 12:1-8)
- 2016-03-13.confession.mp3
- 2016-03-13.prompting.mp3
- 2016-03-06.bulletin.docx
- 2016-03-06.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32)
- 2016-03-06.confession.mp3
- 2016-03-06.prompting.mp3
- 2016-02-28.bulletin.docx
- 2016-02-28.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 13:1-9)
- 2016-02-28.communion.mp3
- 2016-02-28.confession.mp3
- 2016-02-28.prompting.mp3
- 2016-02-21.bulletin.docx
- 2016-02-21.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 13:31-35)
- 2016-02-21.confession.mp3
- 2016-02-21.prompting.mp3
- 2016-02-14.bulletin.docx
- 2016-02-14.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT) (Luke 4:1-13)
- 2016-02-14.confession.mp3
- 2016-02-14.prompting.mp3
- 2016-02-07.bulletin.docx
- 2016-02-07.bulletin.pdf (TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD) (Luke 9:28-36 (37-43))
- 2016-02-07.prompting.mp3
- 2016-01-31.bulletin.docx
- 2016-01-31.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 4:21-30)
- 2016-01-31.communion.mp3
- 2016-01-31.confession.mp3
- 2016-01-31.prompting.mp3
- 2016-01-24.bulletin.docx
- 2016-01-24.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Luke 4:14-21)
- 2016-01-24.confession.mp3
- 2016-01-24.prompting.mp3
- 2016-01-17.bulletin.docx
- 2016-01-17.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (John 2:1-11)
- 2016-01-17.confession.mp3
- 2016-01-17.prompting.mp3
- 2016-01-10.bulletin.docx
- 2016-01-10.bulletin.pdf (BAPTISM OF THE LORD) (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
- 2016-01-10.confession.mp3
- 2016-01-10.prompting.mp3
- 2016-01-03.bulletin.docx
- 2016-01-03.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (John 1: (1-9) 10-18)
- 2016-01-03.confession.mp3
- 2016-01-03.prompting.mp3
- 2015-12-27.bulletin.docx
- 2015-12-27.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (Luke 2: (22-38) 41-52)
- 2015-12-27.communion.mp3
- 2015-12-27.confession.mp3
- 2015-12-27.prompting.mp3
- 2015-12-20.bulletin.docx
- 2015-12-20.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 1: [26-38] 39-45)
- 2015-12-20.confession.mp3
- 2015-12-20.prompting.mp3
- 2015-12-13.bulletin.docx
- 2015-12-13.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 3:7-18)
- 2015-12-13.confession.mp3
- 2015-12-13.prompting.mp3
- 2015-12-06.bulletin.docx
- 2015-12-06.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 3:1-6)
- 2015-12-06.confession.mp3
- 2015-12-06.prompting.mp3
- 2015-11-29.bulletin.docx
- 2015-11-29.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 21:25-36)
- 2015-11-29.confession.mp3
- 2015-11-29.prompting.mp3
- 2015-11-22.bulletin.docx
- 2015-11-22.bulletin.pdf (CHRIST THE KING / REIGN OF CHRIST) (John 18:33-37)
- 2015-11-22.communion.mp3
- 2015-11-22.confession.mp3
- 2015-11-22.prompting.mp3
- 2015-11-15.bulletin.docx
- 2015-11-15.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 25th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 13:1-8)
- 2015-11-15.confession.mp3
- 2015-11-15.prompting.mp3
- 2015-11-08.bulletin.docx
- 2015-11-08.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 24th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 12:38-44)
- 2015-11-08.confession.mp3
- 2015-11-08.prompting.mp3
- 2015-11-01.bulletin.docx
- 2015-11-01.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 23rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 12:28-34)
- 2015-11-01.confession.mp3
- 2015-11-01.prompting.mp3
- 2015-10-25.bulletin.docx
- 2015-10-25.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 22nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 10:46-52)
- 2015-10-25.communion.mp3
- 2015-10-25.prompting.mp3
- 2015-10-18.bulletin.docx
- 2015-10-18.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 21st SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 10:35-45)
- 2015-10-18.confession.mp3
- 2015-10-18.prompting.mp3
- 2015-10-11.bulletin.docx
- 2015-10-11.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 20th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 10:17-31)
- 2015-10-11.confession.mp3
- 2015-10-11.prompting.mp3
- 2015-10-04.bulletin.docx
- 2015-10-04.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 19th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 10:2-16)
- 2015-10-04.communion.mp3
- 2015-10-04.confession.mp3
- 2015-10-04.prompting.mp3
- 2015-09-27.bulletin.docx
- 2015-09-27.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 18th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 9:38-50)
- 2015-09-27.confession.mp3
- 2015-09-27.prompting.mp3
- 2015-09-20.bulletin.docx
- 2015-09-20.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 17th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 9:30-37)
- 2015-09-20.confession.mp3
- 2015-09-20.prompting.mp3
- 2015-09-13.bulletin.docx
- 2015-09-13.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 16th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 8:27-38)
- 2015-09-13.confession.mp3
- 2015-09-13.prompting.mp3
- 2015-09-06.bulletin.docx
- 2015-09-06.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 15th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 7:24-37)
- 2015-09-06.confession.mp3
- 2015-09-06.prompting.mp3
- 2015-07-19.bulletin.docx
- 2015-07-19.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 8th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56)
- 2015-07-19.confession.mp3
- 2015-07-19.prompting.mp3
- 2015-07-12.bulletin.docx
- 2015-07-12.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 7th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 6:14-29)
- 2015-07-12.confession.mp3
- 2015-07-12.prompting.mp3
- 2015-07-05.bulletin.docx
- 2015-07-05.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 6th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 6:1-13)
- 2015-07-05.confession.mp3
- 2015-07-05.prompting.mp3
- 2015-06-28.bulletin.docx
- 2015-06-28.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 5th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 5:21-43)
- 2015-06-28.communion.mp3
- 2015-06-28.confession.mp3
- 2015-06-28.prompting.mp3
- 2015-06-21.bulletin.docx
- 2015-06-21.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 4th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 4:35-41)
- 2015-06-21.confession.mp3
- 2015-06-21.prompting.mp3
- 2015-06-14.bulletin.docx
- 2015-06-14.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 3rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 4:26-34)
- 2015-06-14.confession.mp3
- 2015-06-14.prompting.mp3
- 2015-06-07.bulletin.docx
- 2015-06-07.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - 2nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST) (Mark 3:20-35)
- 2015-06-07.confession.mp3
- 2015-06-07.prompting.mp3
- 2015-05-31.bulletin.docx
- 2015-05-31.bulletin.pdf (TRINITY SUNDAY) (John 3:1-17)
- 2015-05-31.communion.mp3
- 2015-05-31.confession.mp3
- 2015-05-31.prompting.mp3
- 2015-05-24.bulletin.docx
- 2015-05-24.bulletin.pdf (DAY OF PENTECOST) (John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15)
- 2015-05-24.confession.mp3
- 2015-05-24.prompting.mp3
- 2015-05-17.bulletin.docx
- 2015-05-17.bulletin.pdf (SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 17:6-19)
- 2015-05-17.confession.mp3
- 2015-05-17.prompting.mp3
- 2015-05-10.bulletin.docx
- 2015-05-10.bulletin.pdf (SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 15:9-17)
- 2015-05-10.confession.mp3
- 2015-05-10.prompting.mp3
- 2015-05-03.bulletin.docx
- 2015-05-03.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 15:1-8)
- 2015-05-03.confession.mp3
- 2015-05-03.prompting.mp3
- 2015-04-26.bulletin.docx
- 2015-04-26.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 10:11-18)
- 2015-04-26.communion.mp3
- 2015-04-26.confession.mp3
- 2015-04-26.prompting.mp3
- 2015-04-19.bulletin.docx
- 2015-04-19.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER) (Luke 24:36b-48)
- 2015-04-19.confession.mp3
- 2015-04-19.prompting.mp3
- 2015-04-12.bulletin.docx
- 2015-04-12.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER) (John 20:19-31)
- 2015-04-12.confession.mp3
- 2015-04-12.prompting.mp3
- 2015-04-05.bulletin.docx
- 2015-04-05.bulletin.pdf (RESURRECTION OF THE LORD / EASTER) (Mark 16:1-8)
- 2015-04-05.confession.mp3
- 2015-04-05.prompting.mp3
- 2015-03-29.bulletin.docx
- 2015-03-29.bulletin.pdf (PALM / PASSION SUNDAY) (Mark 11:1-11)
- 2015-03-29.communion.mp3
- 2015-03-29.confession.mp3
- 2015-03-29.prompting.mp3
- 2015-03-22.bulletin.docx
- 2015-03-22.bulletin.pdf (FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 12:20-33)
- 2015-03-22.confession.mp3
- 2015-03-22.prompting.mp3
- 2015-03-15.bulletin.docx
- 2015-03-15.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 3:14-21)
- 2015-03-15.confession.mp3
- 2015-03-15.prompting.mp3
- 2015-03-08.bulletin.docx
- 2015-03-08.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT) (John 2:13-22)
- 2015-03-08.confession.mp3
- 2015-03-08.prompting.mp3
- 2015-03-01.bulletin.docx
- 2015-03-01.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT) (Mark 8:31-38)
- 2015-03-01.confession.mp3
- 2015-03-01.prompting.mp3
- 2015-02-22.bulletin.docx
- 2015-02-22.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT) (Mark 1:9-15)
- 2015-02-22.communion.mp3
- 2015-02-22.confession.mp3
- 2015-02-22.prompting.mp3
- 2015-02-15.bulletin.docx
- 2015-02-15.bulletin.pdf (TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD) (Mark 9:2-9)
- 2015-02-15.confession.mp3
- 2015-02-15.prompting.mp3
- 2015-02-08.bulletin.docx
- 2015-02-08.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Mark 1:29-39)
- 2015-02-08.confession.mp3
- 2015-02-08.prompting.mp3
- 2015-02-01.bulletin.docx
- 2015-02-01.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Mark 1:21-28)
- 2015-02-01.confession.mp3
- 2015-02-01.prompting.mp3
- 2015-01-25.bulletin.docx
- 2015-01-25.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (Mark 1:14-20)
- 2015-01-25.communion.mp3
- 2015-01-25.confession.mp3
- 2015-01-25.prompting.mp3
- 2015-01-18.bulletin.docx
- 2015-01-18.bulletin.pdf (ORDINARY TIME - SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY) (John 1:43-51)
- 2015-01-18.confession.mp3
- 2015-01-18.prompting.mp3
- 2015-01-11.bulletin.docx
- 2015-01-11.bulletin.pdf (BAPTISM OF THE LORD) (Mark 1:4-11)
- 2015-01-11.confession.mp3
- 2015-01-11.prompting.mp3
- 2015-01-04.bulletin.docx
- 2015-01-04.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (John 1:10-18)
- 2015-01-04.confession.mp3
- 2015-01-04.prompting.mp3
- 2014-12-28.bulletin.docx
- 2014-12-28.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY) (Luke 2:22-40)
- 2014-12-28.communion.mp3
- 2014-12-28.confession.mp3
- 2014-12-28.prompting.mp3
- 2014-12-21.bulletin.docx
- 2014-12-21.bulletin.pdf (FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Luke 1:26-38)
- 2014-12-21.confession.mp3
- 2014-12-21.prompting.mp3
- 2014-12-14.bulletin.docx
- 2014-12-14.bulletin.pdf (THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
- 2014-12-14.confession.mp3
- 2014-12-14.prompting.mp3
- 2014-12-07.bulletin.docx
- 2014-12-07.bulletin.pdf (SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Mark 1:1-8)
- 2014-12-07.confession.mp3
- 2014-12-07.prompting.mp3
- 2014-11-30.bulletin.docx
- 2014-11-30.bulletin.pdf (FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT) (Mark 13:24-37)
- 2014-11-30.confession.mp3
- 2014-11-30.prompting.mp3